If there is an industry that encloses many skills and requires countless professionals, that is Oil & Energy. Our Clients have been choosing us because we can supply them with adequate personnel and crewing services for every phase of the project: survey, installation, commissioning, operations, maintenance and decommissioning. Every of which requires an accurate personnel selection and dedicated HR activities in order to be carried out successfully. That is when we come into the play.
Oil & Energy is our core business, and it started in the mid 70s with the provision of full drilling crews to Reading & Bates. Soon after, other players of the sector such as Saipem, Modec, Bumi Armada, Tidewater and Boskalis came forward, asking us to recruit and manage their personnel.
Today, over 1,000 professionals are employed through Manning Cosulich on board pipe layers, heavy lift vessels, drilling units, ROV support vessels and supply vessels, and over 5,000 professionals have taken advantage of our services so far.
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